Edited on Tue Mar-27-07 06:30 PM by HypnoToad
Lately I've noticed periodic tingling and numbness down my right leg and foot. I also have near-constant lower back pain.
Exercise (elliptical trainer) helps the lower back pain and the eerie tingling/numbness, but only temporary -- but re: exercise I get way too fatigued after 9 minutes (walking, 1.5 minutes running top speed) and have to rest and drink a ton of water before the sweating subsides. Never mind the right leg feeling wonky on its own.
It also helps when I remember to sit up straight; I used to do a lot of sitting - now I feel I need to be walking quite often; and sitting in some positions really gets the numbness problem going.
Worse, the news said that 12 hours/week is necessary for FAT TEENAGE MALES to lose weight. I'm FAT myself, a lot of gut weight which does my lower back no favors too. If I can't handle 9 minutes, how the hell am I to handle 1.75 hrs steady exercise each day??
I don't mind death as much as I do mind becoming wheelchair-bound or invalid in other ways.
Should I see an orthopedist for the numbness, which could simply be caused by overly tight muscles due to not walking or running properly, which I genuinely need to do.
Any advice?