But not for the fault of opiates, or pain meds given for the condition that they were treating...
To make a long story short, they put me on a long-term use of an NSAID for neck pain/disc problems combined with a whole bunch of other things. This would be fine for 90%+ of patients... Yet, as a migraineur... bad news. Continued repeated daily use of any pain reliever for any length of time was enough to send me into a Medication Overuse Headache migraine pattern- unrelenting migraines, both triggered by, and helped by the NSAID. Only way to break the cycle and let the preventative medications that I take for Migraine Disease-- to prevent awful migraines- (nausea, vomitting, pain, etc)... work, and let me keep my job (it was seriously at the point where I could barely work), I had to go off all pain meds.
Agony . Senseless agony. I had asked about this phenomenon occurring-- and been assurred that it wouldn't by the pain management team- including specialists...at one of the top 20 pain management clinics (US news & world reports) in the country. . My opinion of pain management, is thus coloured. However, I currently am wearing a TENS unit- not Rxed through the pain management clinic, but through other physicians and medical personnel...
My experience is definitely not the norm, I am sure. Please do not be scared off by it... However, if you DO have other conditions...make sure your medical team works together- my one lesson learned from this experience!