Starting on the 3rd, had pain in my chest. It was, however, on the right side, just above my breast. It didn't go away after I had taken a couple of alka-seltzers, so I was beginning to worry a bit.
They kept me for observation since I have had a history of heart problems (including 2 MIs in 1999 and 3 angioplasties) and ran almost every possible test. Thankfully, all were negative, and the consensus was that it was my GERD acting up.
I'll tell ya, I hate hospitals. I only stayed because I was a little worried, but heart attacks and disease aside, I don't know how my dear friend Marje could have stood it before she died--one hospital stretch for her was over 2 months long.
I swear, you take out of the hospital as many germs as you bring into it. And such things as pneumonia can be easily transmitted inside that it's a wonder more people don't die after being exposed to the germs there.
No, I'm not talking about the employees there--most of them are as responsible as they can possibly be. It's just the whole atmosphere. I once heard a comic say something about not wanting to go to a hospital because there are sick people there, and I emphatically agree!
I don't suppose there is any way to prevent someone from getting sick who has a weak immune system, but I am sure that there are enough experts who can mull that over and come up with some possible solutions.
Anyhow, I was happy to get out, and get home to my furkits, who were out of water and dying for a drink. I was disappointed Thursday night, though, when I was discharged, and no one picked me up from my room with a wheelchair and I had to walk from my room to the place where my friend was picking me up--as it is, I now have a lot of trouble walking and use a cane. It took me a good twenty minutes to get where I needed to get to, and my legs were in agony and I needed to sit down really badly.
All in all, a surreal event, and one I would really like not to repeat.