Fibromyalgia for one, GERD, yada, yada yada. It sucks. When I rattle off my conditions, it's enough to make someone think I am a hypochondriac, but the doctors who yell at me don't think so. They've been telling me forever that I need to take better care of myself.
I have to admit something right up front: I don't consider myself suicidal at all, but there is a bit of that in me when I spend long stretches of time not taking my insulin and other meds. I call it "long-term suicide"--sort of a mental attitude that I don't really give a shit.
As a result of my stupidity, I developed horrendous neuropathy in my feet and legs. I can barely walk now or stand, and I've been trying to gain strength back in my legs. Due to this and the fibro, I can barely do anything around the house and choose to stay indoors because it's so difficult to try and get around in the outside world. I get exhausted after short periods of time, and need to sit down a lot and get my strength back and my breath.
The depression is making all of this worse, of course, and I have such little will to do anything else, and most of my hobbies involved the outside world, like photography and hiking, that I get even more depressed. And there have been way too many deaths, diseases and other tragedies that I find it overwhelming at times.
The insulin shots don't bother me at all. The doctor gave me short needles which are much easier to use. And I find the flabby part of my upper arms is a good place to give myself the shots, because there is little feeling there. I have to be careful about not spreading them out, though, but the inner, upper thighs is another good spot as well for alternative shots. I don't like using my tummy--it's very sensitive, and leaves wicked black and blue marks.
What I do find hard is recording my metering. It's mostly me just lacking the discipline, though, more than any other reason.
As far as giving up, I have the cats to take care of, and I can't do anything to jeopardize that. It's bad as it is, but I can't leave them behind without anyone to take care of them, so I struggle on for that reason.
If I had my druthers, I would become bed-bound, but I know that's not realistic. I have to drag myself, sometimes, to do something, and if I can just do one small thing a day, I do it. It's not a great way to live, but it's all I can do, and it's definitely better than nothing.