We went back to work on Tuesday (dh & I are teachers). I was in severe pain all day. Tried not to lift anything too heavy, but had to get my room put together. Same old bullshit, same incompetency w/ the administration, no paper for the copy machine, and so on. Wonder if Microsoft requires it's employees to buy their own copy paper, staples, and paper clips.;(
So Wed. AM, I woke at 3 AM screaming in pain. I had tried to roll over in my sleep and the pain woke me up. I limped to the bathroom, then laid in bed crying for an hour waiting for the vicodin to kick in. It finally did, but I had to get up at 5:30 to get ready for work. When dh got up, I said to him "how would you like to take me to the hospital instead of work today?" So in we went. Just at the right time, there was hardly anyone there and we were seen w/in minutes.
They hooked me up to intravenous dilaudid (woohoo!), toradol, and some steroid. While the dilaudid was active, I didn't feel a thing! I think I floated in the clouds, but it had no long-term pain relief. Nor did the other drugs.
So all they ended up doing was give me a note to stay off work for 2 days. I'm only using one, because I HAVE to get my room ready for the kids on Tuesday. I've got shit laying all over the place. They also told me to try to get in to see the neurosurgeon sooner than Sept. 12, which was when I had the appointment. When I got home, I was able to change it to next Wed., but at the office about an hour away. Oh well, we'll see what happens.
So I'm living on drugs. Don't know how well I'll do tomorrow at work, or next week when the kids start, but I'll just have to suck it up and do what I can.