A long time ago in a prodigy or compuserve board far, far, away :)
a man came into the chronic fatigue boards yelling
" You all have Lyme!" He said you don't have Fibromyalgia or MS or so many other diseases the Doctors are diagnosing you with!
I shook my head and thought "What a nerve this man has to say such things."
When I was at my next Chronic Fatigue group meeting, a woman took the podium and insisted the same thing. She became my friend and she led me to some of the best Lyme Doctors that I could afford to travel to see. My life was given back to me after having horrid arthritis pain, bowel problems, urinary pain....forgetting my name, address, etc....the pain and symptoms just went on and on...
My life is almost over now, because I could not afford the trips out of state ...it doesn't matter, I am not afraid to die.
My heart breaks still, for all of the people that buy into the medical politico bs...
Keep fighting the good fight...and remember, some will hear you...