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It's a good idea to review your nutritional status.

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Home » Discuss » DU Groups » Health & Disability » Chronic Health Conditions Discussion and Support Group Donate to DU
hedgehog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Oct-15-07 06:28 PM
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It's a good idea to review your nutritional status.
I was reading article about Vitamin D and realized that my elderly mother doesn't go outside and really doesn't drink milk. I talked her into taking some extra Vitamin D. She's a diabetic and self tests to adjust her insulin. Right after she started the Vitamin D, her insulin dosage went down by half and stayed down. After about 4 months, she is a lot sturdier than she was and seems to have better balance and more energy. I won't mention any dosages, that's for you and your doctor to decide. I'm just suggesting that you check out the new research on this and other vitamins. What seems to be emerging is that a lot of auto-immune disorders are related to vitamin deficiencies. The RDAs are enough to prevent obvious diseases such as scurvy in most people, but they aren't preventing some of the more subtle effects.
Seasonal Affect disorder also seems to be caused by lack of Vitamin D.
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kimmerspixelated Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-05-08 05:33 PM
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1. Great Post Hedgehog!
I believe it was a Nobel prizewinning scientist that said that all diseases are traced to a vitamin deficiency. I don't know why the mainstream media and doctors don't promote the need for finding out what one is deficient in. It really is the difference between misery and health! Sadly, so many think that this kind of therapy is snake oil! Knowledge is power, so I say research your illness before submitting to a lifetime of meds!
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