going on 3 weeks of this flare up, and just seems to be no end in sight. i start feeling better, go in for physical therapy, and 20 minutes of moving my arm around, and i am back in agony. sleeping 4 hours at a time with the help of an ambien, and a 7.5/500 vicodin. now i get to have that nice morning hangover, too. i do have this, tho. this rheumie has one goal, and that is to fix my pain. between growing up in a big alcoholic family, and going through so many asshat docs, i almost don't know how to act. right now i have a choice to go in and get some injections in the tender spots. if the next pt leaves me this way, i might. thank ja for the weekend, i don't go again until monday. think i will come straight home and ice up next time. jesus, tho. how many more days of my life are going to be pissed away this way? i don't even want to get dresses today.