symptoms similar to flu? I went to doc. NO flue (did the 1 foot long q tip nose/brain test.
But I have been sicker than ever before in my life. Cough, then ribs hurt, then coughing up stuff then the headaches (which I NEVER get). 102.1 temp until they gave me steriouds now temp shy of 100.
But then you feel like, "Hey it's gone. Made my lunch for work today). Woke up and couldn't top coughing long enough to talk to the peson on the phone who called to make sure I woke up.
I don' HAVE TO GO to work, but I love this seasonal job...everone there is dropping like flies also, accoding to my boss. andshe's very cool.
I hope this goes away....like TODAY..but from my sources who have had it I ca expect enougher week of it.
Anyone having these problems in their towns? And better tips to treat. Taking inhalor, antiobiotics steroids, and had a steroid shot.