were just a couple of days out from open heart surgery when Nurse Tylenol had taken care of them for 12 hours. I saw drug seeking behavior in my poor old tomcat before he died, he would come looking for that medication and hold still while I gave it to him, poor kitty. People in pain can and do exhibit classic drug seeking behavior, so that experienced professionals know that the behavior is proof of exactly nothing by itself.
As for the Fentanyl patch, it's safe when used as directed. If you have some sort of accident, like a knife slips while you're cutting up a potato and pierces the patch, just take it off and replace it. Call the doc and tell him/her what happened, and keep the patch to show him/her.
You have to work pretty hard to put a hole of any type in those things. Junkies run into trouble when they cut them open because they're just not used to drugs that are measured in micrograms instead of milligrams.
The problems with drugs like Lortab are the short duration of action and the upper limit for the dosage. Oh, the hydrocodone won't hurt you, but that much Tylenol will.
Most docs will prescribe a long acting opioid plus something for breakthrough pain. However, people who are on an adequate dose of something, pill or patch, will not experience much breakthrough pain. Many are able to use NSAIDs like Motrin for the breakthrough pain they rarely get.
Good luck.