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Exercise.... yes it is critical for many of us, as much as it is a pain

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nadinbrzezinski Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jul-07-08 12:52 AM
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Exercise.... yes it is critical for many of us, as much as it is a pain
so let me share some of my journey

As a diabetic I know how important it is...

And when I was given Avandia I went up all the way to almost 200 lb... I am 5.1

So ever since I stopped taking it... after the doctor and I discussed it, I have lost some weight (thirty pounds)

Now when I was that high I got a Gazelle. Seen the damn thing on the late nights and I thought to myself... that is ideal for my bad knees.

The first time I stepped on it, after I finished putting it together... this was a test on itself... I managed to get only six minutes. I was exhausted.

It took me two moths to work all the way to twelve minutes. It was HARD.

So today we didn't walk or go out, or go bike... (the bike is a recent addition due to gas prizes)... so I stepped on my machine and I put in twenty four minutes... and I felt sweaty but not tired.

As I said I have also lost about thirty pounds. Which is very critical for sugar control

(in fact, I need to talk to doc about dosage... the hypoglycemia has gotten at times bad.. and meds are weight based)

So yes, you need to find a way to exercise. And it is possible. And if you get an exercise machine make sure you use it, and does not become a clothes rack

Oh and I could have gone for a couple more minutes, but then my hubby said, hey it's late, neighbors.


Oh and if you are a diabetic, don't forget to make sure that your sugars don't crash after an intense session and if you are not, that you hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. You need to hydrate regardless of what ails you Yep this means a finger prick in about twenty minutes just to make sure me sugars ain't crashing... and yes a small snack
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mopinko Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jul-07-08 09:30 AM
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1. hey, i have a gazelle clothesrack!
you are right, of course. i have recently made myself one of those bargains that you are free to let yourself out of, but... i do a short yoga routine before getting my second cup of coffee. i have been sticking to it pretty well for about a month now. but i am amazed how long i can go without that second cup! now that the weather is nice i have gotten the bike out a few times. did a lot of walking over the weekend. i keep trying.
with fibro, tho, the hardest thing is to not push too hard. it is a terrible temptation. but it quickly leads to pains that make me unable to do anything for a while, then it's back to the top of the cycle. so, i intend to stay put at my little routine, plus some biking. i still have some pain in my shoulder after disc surgery back in january, so i did modify the yoga to include a little twist. it seems to be helping.
congrats to you, kiddo. keep up the good work.
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nadinbrzezinski Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jul-07-08 11:56 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. May I suggest something?
Get a pedometer and wear it every day. If you walk 6000 steps a day it will help to keep weight

Adding a step here or there is easy.

I take it exercise can be painful... but just walking may be easier for you

Me... I am carrying mine today
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mopinko Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jul-07-08 01:06 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. that sounds like a good idea.
day in and day out it is the fatigue that is the biggest battle. i get into such a cycle with myself then. i'm too tired to do anything>i never get anything done>i am a lazy slug>i am depressed>i'm too tired to do anything>etc. maybe if i saw just how many steps i had taken, i could at least break into that cycle. i have meds that are working pretty well on the pain right now, although they could blow up tomorrow. that little bit of yoga helps a lot to just gently stretch out the muscles. soon as i push, i pay.
i don't know what it is about biking, but it rarely wears me out. walking is pretty good. did a ton of that over the weekend, including marching in a parade! (that was fun. small town funky little parade. sadly, i saw a fair amount of evidence that people are getting a little fed up with the dems. that is partly local, but i digress...) i really should drag that gazelle back out. i let DH buy a big screen tv if i could have the gazelle there to watch from. we just upgraded to an even bigger one, and still it is a clothes hanger! and i don't watch c-span, or all the movies i wanted to see. now what was i saying about cycles....

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nadinbrzezinski Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jul-07-08 02:04 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. Well some folks start adding a step here a step there
and before you know it... they are walking quite a bit

It is addictive once you get into that cycle

Them endorphins are great

I stopped using my ped for a couple of weeks, so I decided to use it today to see where i am right now

Just from doing the morning routine close to 5,000 but I also park at times on the other side of the parking lot these days

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