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Can we talk Prednisone?

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CoffeeCat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-14-08 01:18 AM
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Can we talk Prednisone?
I wasn't sure where to post this, but I thought that this group may have some
experience with the drug Prednisone.

I am having a really hard time. I was initially put on Prednisone (20 mg daily)
for poison ivy. When the poison ivy worsened, the Dr upped my dosage to 80 mg for
for days, then tapered down to 60 (3 days), 40 (3 days), 20 mg (3 days).

The first day of taking the 80 mg, I thought I was losing my mind. Horrid sweats, my
teeth hurt, shoulder/back pain, insomnia, horrid mood swings, violent thoughts, rage,
panic, constantly out-of-breath, moon face, exhaustion, blurred vision, weight gain, general malaise,
depression, bloating, the feeling that there's an engine inside of you that won't shut off and constant
hunger that makes you want to eat a side of raw beef. I was completely incapacitated as I continued taking this drug.

I took the dosage as prescribed until I got to 40 mg a day--and I said, "screw it!". I probably should have followed the correct
dosing instructions, but I just had to end this drug! I took my first 40 mg, then the next
day 30, then I took 20 on Monday and I was done.

I'm still out of my mind--with all of those horrible symptoms! This is one wicked drug, and I
will never, ever take it again. I did some online research and there are literally thousands of
pages with others who describe the same outrageous side effects.

I am wondering if others have had this experience on Prednisone? Is there any way to detox
from it and lessen the withdrawals? I've read that people experience these symptoms for weeks
and months after taking it. I'm scared.

I also read that the actual amount of this drug that occurs naturally in the body--is equal to 5 mg of
Prednisone. Infusing your system with 80 mg of a steroid--that is usually present at 5 mg--seems extreme
to me.

I'd love to hear your stories, and how you survived this and any tips that you may have.
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mopinko Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-14-08 10:56 AM
Response to Original message
1. 80 mg is a lot.
even 20 seems like a lot for a case of poison ivy. usually a short term event like that, you would get what they call a medrol pack, where you would start at a high dose- 20 or 30 mg, then it tapers down every day so that you are off in a week. and from 20 a day, to jump to 80, imho, is nuts.

this is a powerful and dangerous drug. jumping off like you did is a very bad thing to do to your body. i have been on it several times, and really, really hate it. i refuse to take it any more. after being on it a while, it can take months to get off safely. i have enough background anxiety that i get cranky as godzilla. never got the kinda roid rush that makes you clean out your closets. just the kind that makes you clean out the refrigerator.

i have nothing to tell you, really, except that yeah, it is a bad drug, and yeah, if you think this doctor is, well, ungood, you are probably right. maybe some xanax for a while would help.

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elleng Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-14-08 03:03 PM
Response to Reply #1
4. I agree,
if you think the doctor is ungood. DO SOMETHING about that.
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CoffeeCat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-15-08 12:32 AM
Response to Reply #4
5. I'm not a medical expert... it's hard for me to say for sure, but my sense is that 80 mg was way too much for poison ivy.

Considering the side effects and the sheer power of this drug--I think 80 mg was just too much.

I was taking 20 mg for 6 days, then I told them the poison ivy was worsening, not going away. The
nurse called me back and said that they sent in a script for a higher dosage. I wasn't seen or
told about any of these side effects.

This doesn't seem right to me. There are people on DU who have taken Prednisone for very serious
illnesses, and most of them were on 40 mg. Yet, I was put on 80 mg for poison ivy?

If you have any suggestions about what I might do--I'm all ears.

Thanks for your post.
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Warpy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-04-08 10:50 AM
Response to Reply #5
10. If I had to hazard a guess
I would say they bumped your dose up because you failed to respond to the lower dose.

Severe allergic reactions to poison ivy can be fatal.

FWIW, I've been up to 100 mg/day when my kidneys have been acting up. It's miserable stuff at high dosages, but a few days of crazy beat the hell out of dying.
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CoffeeCat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-15-08 12:37 AM
Response to Reply #1
6. Thanks for your insight...
Really, it's just good to know that this is a powerful drug and that my body is going through hell.

I didn't know anything about these side effects. I just thought I was going nuts. It creates more
anxiety when these things start happening and you don't know what's going on.

I was on the 20 mg dosage for 5 days or so. Then the 80, 60, 40---20 for about 10 days. Do you have
any idea how long it takes to return to normal? I was only on it for about 2 weeks.

I've been taking vitamins and drinking lots of water--hoping that this will help to flush this out of
my system.

I'm going into the Dr. tomorrow, too.
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mopinko Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-15-08 09:13 AM
Response to Reply #6
8. usually a short course like that will not leave lingering effects.
did they try a topical first? it doesn't even make sense to me why they would give it orally for a skin problem in the first place.
really, me, that would be the last time is saw that doc. 80 with no warnings?? a jump for 20 to 80? in one leap? maybe there was a mistake somewhere. i would definitely ask why you were put on such a high dose. not that i am an expert. but usually they will crank it up a little at a time, until it starts to work.

i think you will be feeling back to normal soon. most of the slow taper and all that is needed for long term users. it disrupts endocrine (adrenal?) function, and you have to taper down so that will start back up. but that is something that happens with longer term use. a week or so is seen as not having a long term impact.

be nice to yourself. take a day off. take a hot bath. eat some ice cream. watch a couple of movies.
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Warpy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-14-08 12:21 PM
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2. Ugh, do we have to?
I've spent my entire adult life tapering up and down on that shit, with a constant maintenance dose for the last 17 years.

I've maxed out at 100 mg/day and it was very unpleasant, a real emotional roller coaster. It's a good thing I was able to start a fast taper within the week or I'd have bought a gun and eaten it. Yes, it's that bad.

However, without it, I'd be on dialysis, in a wheel chair, or dead.

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CoffeeCat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-15-08 12:40 AM
Response to Reply #2
7. I understand Warpy...
I was right up there with you--on a high dosage. It's a trip through hell. I'm
glad you made it through.

It's sounds like you've found a good equilibrium point.

I'm glad you're doing better too.

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grilled onions Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-14-08 02:47 PM
Response to Original message
3. Twenty Years Of It
Even though it was a small dose--almost always 5 mg. I have just had tests that reveal many problems and diabetes at the top,much to blame is the prednisone. Unfortunately it has kept my arthritis at bay somewhat although now I have a secondary form of arthritis and my rheumatologist will have to decide the next course.
Like all meds if you don't have to don't. On the other hand many of us have little choice at times since we are often between a rock and a hard place. Many of todays drugs are wonder drugs but can also be very lethal. Like any decisions involving this or many other potent drugs--PROCEED WITH CAUTION.
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unapatriciated Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-02-08 09:10 AM
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9. my son has been on that nasty drug since he was 13....
Edited on Tue Dec-02-08 09:12 AM by unapatriciated
now 30. His highest does was 300 a day (he developed cushionoid symptoms on the higher dosages) lowest 5 a day for maintainers.
He had very bad night sweats that discolored his pajamas.
You have to be careful and taper off. Your body makes a natural form of prednisone that prevents shock and while on the drug it stops.
Always let your dentist , doctor know that you have taken it for at least the next year.

It is a very nasty drug with even nastier side effects from physical to physiological but it is the first drug of choice for a variety of autoimmune disorders.
My husband was also prescribed prednisone of a severe case of poison ivy starting at 60 tapering down to 5. Since I had many years experience I insisted to take as prescribed. In my experience with my son if you go off of it suddenly it seems to increase the side effects for awhile.

on edit should have looked at the date on your post you are probably free of all side effects by now.
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