to ask them directly. Here in Massachusetts, it's called MassHealth, and in California, it's Medi-Cal, so you will have to check in your state.
You can call 1-800-MEDICARE to get the Medicare information, you can also contact Social Security. If your parents are collecting SS, they are probably on Medicare already, unless they have a private health plan from their old jobs kick in. You can visit medicare.gov in order to see what is covered under that--depending on whether it's actual care, medical supplies or prescriptions, a different part of Medicare applies: Most everyone has Part A, Part B would handle things like wheelchairs, canes, diabetic supplies, etc. It costs a small amount to add it to the patient's account. Part D is, of course, the drug plan, and that's difficult to really understand. You need to talk with an SS rep to help decide what is the best plan for the patient, because there are a lot of plans, and you pay different amounts for premiums, and the formulary for each is slightly different.
Sorry I can't help with anything detailed, but it's all done on an individual basis, and the experts can help you much better.