Geez, I seem to end up in this forum a lot lately! Degenerated disc, Morton's neuroma, migraine headaches, arthritis.........the latest is my sinus problem which started more than a year ago. Just when I think it's gone, I catch another cold/flu and it's right back to being stuffy and congested. So the ENT did a CT scan which showed mild thickening in the right maxillary and both ethmoid sinuses. They did a culture which showed no bacterial growth. My ENT says that from my history of taking antibiotics in the last year or more, she believes this is a fungal sinus infection. Apparently, this is much more common than believed. Last year, I had a root canal with complications and several other dental procedures, so I've been through several rounds of antibiotics. Then a few more rounds for the sinus infection. All these antibiotics upset the balance in your nasal passages and sinuses much in the same way antibiotics often cause vaginal yeast infections.
The doctor says I can wait it out if I don't take any more antibiotics. It may take months! (There are more aggressive treatments for this but my case is mild.) Meanwhile she offered a few treatments. So I'm wondering if anyone else has tried any of these and how they worked for them. Mainly, I need to use a sinus wash (she gave me one called Neil Med or something, it works a little like a Neti pot) and she told me to put several drops of grapefruit seed extract in the saline solution. She also recommended that I take olive leaf extract (orally), which is supposedly a systemic anti-pathogen. I have also heard of using colloidal silver and even capsicum nasal spray. So far the grapefruit seed extract wash seems to be helping a lot. I can breathe freely most of the time now but still have some post-nasal drip. I also still hear "Rice Krispies" in my face....It sounds like snap, crackle, pop when I move my head or sniff or anything. What causes this sound? The ENT looked at me like I was crazy when I told her and offered no comment. :blush: but I'm guessing it's just mucous moving around in there.
Ok, since I'm done grossing you all out, could I hear your opinions, comments, etc. on chronic sinusitis and especially any methods you've tried that worked for you?