I've been dealing with large, bright red patches on my legs for over a week now. They come, they go, but they always accompany insect bites.
I wasn't sure what kind of bite I was getting, thinking them to be those tiny spiders or mites or something, only to find out it was the dreaded flea. Which is something I hadn't considered, since my cats are indoor cats only. However, Oliver likes to go down the back steps to explore, and my friend who lives downstairs had left his door to his apartment open, and his cat did have fleas and does go out.
So now, I have to live with not only horrendously itchy flea bites, but the proliferation of an allergic reaction in the form of hives to the bites. It's been hell.
This kind of allergic reaction isn't exactly new though, as I lived with it extensively as a child. My dermatologist asked me if I had asthma as a child as well, but I didn't, although I was far more sensitive than many kids to certain foods in particular.
Interestingly enough, I never had this severe of a reaction to flea bites in the past--either the bites are getting worse, or it's one of those allergies which slowly reinstate themselves in a person.