Chamomille tea just before bedtime. if that doesn't work, try warm milk. no hot cocoa--it has caffeine in it.
if you DO drink coffee, tea or many sodas, stop right now--most of them contain caffeine, and that might be your problem right there. if you must have something to keep you awake, one cup of a caffeinated drink before noon is okay, though a completely de-caffeinated lifestyle does work well.
if you can, get some sliced turkey and have a small sandwich close to bedtime. the l-tryptophan will send you to sleep.
turn on the TV, go to a really boring channel, like the golf channel, or infomercials, and watch until you fall asleep.
a couple of supplements you might consider: L-trytophan (if you can't eat turkey every night!), melatonin (mentioned above), the diphenhydramine/Benadryl works well for me to get me to sleep--if you go into buy it, go to the area where allergy medications are, and find the store brand of benadryl. it's a lot cheaper than the brand name, and it's just as effective.
a really hard one for me is to skip all the naps during the day. it does help you sleep if you aren't napping. one small, one hour nap is the most you should take for a nap if you can't function without one.
if you live in a cold region, get an electric blanket. even as the spring goes on, the nights can still be chilly, and the electric blanket will induce drowsiness.
and then there is the thing my doctors have told me: don't stress about not sleeping. if you have a flexible schedule, and don't need to be someplace by a certain time (like working or school) let your body dictate to you when it wants to sleep. my overall schedule now is to go to sleep around 3 in the morning, until about 10 a.m., though it varies. people freak out about it, but the truth is, why should I be worried about it? if you lose the stress over being an insomniac, you will soon find yourself getting more regular hours.
I've suffered for many years with insomnia, and while I sometimes would like to function during "regular" hours, once I found out that the stress of worrying about it was making it worse, i allowed my body to make its own hours,
good luck. :)