the ranks of unemployed Seniors, I not only had to cancel my MD appointment but one of the reasons I did was because he would push for this test and I cannot afford the 20% co-pay under Medicare. May not seem like a lot to others but right now, I don't have the money to pay for it. The cost of supplements is out too. My SS check has to go to things like my house and food. Not much left for something like this, even though I know how important it is. WE're all in the same boat.
Hey, Congress critters, prevention is cheaper than the alternative. Let's have some real healthcare action. This is a good example of why we need some help with care. All the talk about preventative care means nothing if you can't afford to pay for it. Many of us are fortunate enough to have some assets but that does not mean we have any surplus. I do not qualify for assistance of any kind so I'll just wait it out like many others and hope I live long enough to avail myself of preventative care.
How many thousands does a procedure like that cost now, I wonder? $5,6,7000 if you include all the MD's, and use of the operating room, recovery room and the other very expensive things that go along with any hospital procedure.
Back to replacing a window I broke this AM. Good thing the cuts I got trying to open it were not to bad. The window was swollen from all this rain. Pushed too hard, put hand right through the glass. Smart!
Glad you are fine Mopinko.