Edited on Sat Nov-21-09 07:54 AM by HereSince1628
In 3 1/2 weeks since my presumptive diabetes diagnosis I lost 10 pounds and had my daytime BG readings averaging 106. I thought I was doing great. I actually felt like I had the BG wildcat more or less trained to stay in the corner of its cage during the day.
Then a stress test cut short because of a t-wave that looked like my grandson's scribbled crayon drawings...so they put me on metoprolol although it seems to usually counter indicated for diabetics (anyone know anything about that?), and my BG has rocketed way way up. Being a presumptive diabetic, and having been successful at controling the BG with diet and exercise, I've got no meds for the diabetes and now I can't walk the BG down, because I'm not supposed to do lengthy walking.
The BG is up, way up, generally higher than it was when they said I was running an A1C near 8. After several days with zero simple carbs and nothing with a glycemic index over 2, I can't get it back under 180 let alone near the 130 4-hour post-eating target.
I can and will stay on the low carb diet, but measuring BG while on this drug seems pretty pointless.