through exercise and diet. So, the still shiney new glucometer is off the shelf again and I'm using it for both guidance and motivation. Thanks to those who responded with encouragement to my earlier posts.
The high stress, pharmaceutical rich run-up to surgery, the low cholesterol hospital diets (insisted upon by the VA med center's cardiologists) loaded with starches and starchy veggies, and the trauma of the thoracic bisection and related tiddly-winks, wrecked all my motivastion to achieve anything like medicine-free blood glucose control. But, now two weeks back into moderate exercising--currently at 20 minutes-2 or 3 times a day--I feel that the things that made nonpharmaceutical BG control impossible are fading. My weekly BG avgs have gone from 154 in the hospital (where after surgery even insulin proved incapable of normative diabetic BG's) down to 111. In the past few days I've actually seen a few premeal BGs in the mid 90's and one in the 80's.
BTW, bypass surgery and recovery apparently is an effective way to keep off that extra 5 pounds of holiday fat (I think that should be added as a footnote to all American diet books). I'm 15 lbs lighter (and 3 notches smaller according to my belt) than I was when I got the diabetes dx on Halloween. My intention is to get off another 25-30 by summer although the new zipperline on my chest sort of spoils the bikini look.
My attention is on figuring out a combination low glycemic index (primarily low starchy carbohydrate) diabetes friendly and low fat & low cholesterol coronary friendly diet that can be afforded in the midwest (fish that is not in a can is pretty expensive in this end of Wisconsin). I have figured out how to make non-veggan "wheat meat." At this time it's still novel enough not to be repulsive but it's also not cheaper than typical retail animal flesh. If you know a cheap mail order source for vital wheat gluten please pass it on.
So, here's to hoping my future whines in this forum will be more about travails of diet, pricks sore fingertips, and the cost of test strips than coronary disease, diabetes and complications from either.