It's so nice to have our own little "pub" where we're entitled to our legitimate complaints. That's why I pushed for this forum.
I can't speak to your condition, but I just got outta health jail with my seventh coronary stent (I'm only 46) and last night, of all things, my insulin pump gave up the ghost completely. It gave this pathetic little beep, and out it went. I'm waiting for a loaner, but it was just the topper to a horrible month.
Sometimes it is so hard to keep plugging away when all you want to do is shrug off the personal hell for a bit, regardless of the tragedy it poses for others. Being sick is just incredibly wretched and tiring and "healthy" types just cannot get it. I'm fortunate that I have a wonderful hubby and incredible 8 year old son to inspire me when all else gives way. Without them, I guarantee, I'd be thinking about that ice floe myself.
Hang in there if you can, and feel free to let it out here. That's why we are here and I've found it incredibly helpful. I love to hear other's problems, as my medical problems often pale in comparison--I'm fortunate not to be in pain or unable to move much, for instance.
I, for one, am pulling for you, and I know I'm not alone. Weep if it makes you feel better, but at least do it in this: :toast:--for managing to survive for thirty years--that is really quite an accomplishment!
I was diagnosed at seven, so I really don't know what it is to live a non-diseased life--I consider myself fortunate NOT to have those memories.
DU has been incredibly helpful, and I thank Skinner from the bottom of my metallurgically enhaced ticker for this forum.
Love ya--really I do. Stop in here anytime. :hug: