So I went through our basic survival list.
Matches (No I do not intend to start a fire, but...) Some light rope. (Paracord is good enough for most emergency tasks, well except climbing) First Aid Kit Map Compass Water.... 2 D Carabiners. Trail mix (gluten free) Munchies (gluten Free) Signaling Mirror Whistle
And since I am a diabetic... a glucometer.
Remember folks you CAN do this, just use common sense. And yes if you have NEVER done it, or have not done it in a while, please keep to marked trails and all that, even if you happen to have map and a compass, please do practice skills in a "safe place." Oh and mostly do enjoy yourselves. We are also taking my walking staff... my knees, and yes we are carrying food for 24 hours, in short rations. And we will take enough water... suffice it to say, we should bring back a few of those rations, as in this is a two hour hike, but we are ready just in case.
But remember, it don't matter, you can still enjoy yourselves, as long as you take into account what you need to carry for your special needs.