PBS Stations cancelling "Under Our Skin"
Posted by: "LymeAngl@aol.com" LymeAngl@aol.com ladiisclass
Mon May 30, 2011 9:05 am (PDT)
What many don't know is that WGBH in Boston controls 100 markets in the
PBS network ....These are the stations that will NOT be airing Under Our
I'm on a FACT finding mission and IF PBS aired in your area....please send
me the station, market, date and time it aired and telephone number.....I
have folks who are going to verify this information for me....
The Lyme communities needs to SUPPORT and donate to those market (PBS) who
aired the show....we need to support those who are supporting our mission
and cause....
On the other hand, I'm boycotting those in the WGBH market that refused to
air Under Our Skin ......the blame goes back to WGBH programing for being
bought off by the
_Yale Panel Examines Movie’s Conclusions and Claims About Lyme Disease
Yale Sc_ (
http://publichealth .yale.edu/ news/news/ 2011/lyme. aspx)
http://publichealth .yale.edu/ news/news/ 2011/lyme. aspx_
http://publichealth .yale.edu/ news/news/ 2011/lyme. aspx) .....
How dare Yale and the IDSA boys contribute to the suffering and death's of
I have a plan and need your help in re-posting this....I NEED TO KNOW WHAT
MARKET AIRED "UNDER OUR SKIN"....??? ? Those markets we need to support....
Those markets who don't support us, WE NEED TO GO AFTER THEIR
Angel Huggzzzz
Linda or Angel