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Please respond if "Under our Skin" played in your area.

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kickysnana Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-31-11 04:52 PM
Original message
Please respond if "Under our Skin" played in your area.
PBS Stations cancelling "Under Our Skin"
Posted by: "" ladiisclass
Mon May 30, 2011 9:05 am (PDT)

What many don't know is that WGBH in Boston controls 100 markets in the
PBS network ....These are the stations that will NOT be airing Under Our

I'm on a FACT finding mission and IF PBS aired in your area....please send
me the station, market, date and time it aired and telephone number.....I
have folks who are going to verify this information for me....

The Lyme communities needs to SUPPORT and donate to those market (PBS) who
aired the show....we need to support those who are supporting our mission
and cause....

On the other hand, I'm boycotting those in the WGBH market that refused to
air Under Our Skin ......the blame goes back to WGBH programing for being
bought off by the
_Yale Panel Examines Movie’s Conclusions and Claims About Lyme Disease
Yale Sc_ (http://publichealth news/news/ 2011/lyme. aspx)

_http://publichealth news/news/ 2011/lyme. aspx_
(http://publichealth news/news/ 2011/lyme. aspx) .....

How dare Yale and the IDSA boys contribute to the suffering and death's of

I have a plan and need your help in re-posting this....I NEED TO KNOW WHAT
MARKET AIRED "UNDER OUR SKIN"....??? ? Those markets we need to support....

Those markets who don't support us, WE NEED TO GO AFTER THEIR


Angel Huggzzzz
Linda or Angel

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Altoid_Cyclist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-02-11 07:57 PM
Response to Original message
1. Our local station aired it. It was WPSU in State College, PA.
It was an eye opening show to say the least. It was disgusting that the policy makers (IDSA) are pretty much bought and paid for at the expense of people's lives. Disgusting....but not totally unexpected with the current state of affairs in this country. All hail big Pharma and the health insurance companies just like in so many other ailments.

It's hard to believe that even with the cause of death listed as Lyme Disease on the death certificates, the IDSA says that Lyme disease can't cause death or serious illness.

I'm guessing that the IDSA panel members don't go hiking very much or know people who do.
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supernova Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-20-11 08:38 AM
Response to Original message
2. WUNC in NC
Edited on Mon Jun-20-11 08:43 AM by supernova
will show it 7/12 @ 10pm. Repeats at 4am the following morning.

Are you sure they've completely canceelled it in favor if the"panel" discussion and are not just showing it at offbeat times? Usually those two things go together. :shrug:

Ticks have always been a serious health issue here (rocky mountain spotted fever and now lyme with the deer ticks), so they always favor showing any information of this type.

edit: Those links don't work for me.
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Crunchy Frog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-27-11 05:33 PM
Response to Original message
3. WCNY-DT, Sunday, June 26, 2:30 PM.
Followed by a discussion panel including the woman leading our local Lyme support group.

I think it might have been scheduled earlier and cancelled and then rescheduled.

We're in the Syracuse area.
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