I've known of my diabetes since 2000. Obviously, I'm Type 2. I believe that my diabetes and degenerative disc disease were both the result of a severe clinical depression that landed me in bed for three years. I have long, gracile bones and I put a lot of weight on them. It obviously freaked out my pancreas and spinal column.
Ladyhawk a few weeks ago--less heavy now--sporting a new scar from surgery:
The only thing that helped my depression was ECT: shock treatments. It was one of the scariest times of my life. I also discovered that my previously diagnosed "borderline diabetes" was full blown. During the treatments, my blood glucose was recorded at around 350 after breakfast. I can remember one of the technicians saying, "That isn't borderline."
Still, I don't think I took the diabetes seriously until about ten days ago, when I nearly had a nervous breakdown from riding the glucose roller coaster. I felt so awful I wasn't sure if I could even make it to the next day.
I know a little about how to best regulate my blood glucose, but it would be nice to hear from others so I can learn more. Managing my diabetes has become my number one priority.