I've been feeling unusually bad with this lastest flareup of my chronic kidney infection, but just put it down to having the infection for so long now (a couple of years) and still not quite recovered from the surgery I had five months ago. Then it occurred to me that the 'fluish' feeling, coupled with an ongoing infection, my weakened immune system and my sore boobs - I probably had mastitis, so I went to see the doctor. Since he aways punches me in my kidneys when I say they hurt, I was a little afraid to see what he'd punch when I told him my boobs are sore!
He doesn't know why they're sore, but didn't like what he heard when he listened to my chest. Really didn't like it, and in addition to the gallon of bloodwork (including two cultures), I have to have an echocardiogram.
I am somewhat at risk for CHF because of the kidney failure/nephrotic syndrome, but maybe he just heard my murmur a little more than usual, and he's just being cautious, but I hate it when the doctor's worried about me.