I am a new member of DU but I've hung out on the boards for years cuz i have a very dear, very close friend who introduced me to DU. I hope this is an appropriate place to post this. Today, my neighbor commited suicide. I have been sick with flu and took a sick day to come home and take some powerful medications. Then, this afternoon, the older lady from across the street phoned me to tell me. This man was jovial and sociable. He worked all the time. I really didn't involve myself with them too much--I work like all the time. But he mowed my lawn for me and was such a trooper. He was always pleasant and spoke to me or said somthing about my dog. I'm not clear on the details but he was found at a remote site away from the home. It just sounds suspicious to me! He leaves behind a wife, who also worked all the time, and some step-kids.
I haven't been able to sleep. I just moved in this house in August. I have to go to work in two hours. I just need a place to tell this story. I just hate this. it sucks.
I have no idea what really happened; it's just I don't believe he would've done that! I don't! I'm going to give my condolences very briefly this weekend. I guess I'll say I'm really sorry to hear about ****. I don't know what else to say. I'm not Christian and I don't know what they are. And then, I guess I'll just try to leave quietly. What do you say to the bereaved in this situation?