My heart is shattered in a million pieces. He was our only child and a miracle baby at that. At this point I just don't want to go on without him. His life was just beginning and he had overcame so much to get to this point. My husband has testicular cancer at 32 and we were told we would not be able to have children, then two years later, I got preganant with our son. When he was born he was blue and not breathing and had a 10 minute apgar of 1 which pretty much means a baby that is not going to live but he fought back and lived. Now, at age 19, full of life and potential, he took a sharp curve off a country road and missed it and hit a tree. Two feet to the left and he would have ran into a field. He had his seat belt on which they say was probaby actually what killed him. It pressed into him, severing his aortic valve, killing him instantly. He didn't have a scratch on him otherwise. It was early in the morning and they think he might have fell asleep. I have protected and loved him for 19 years and am racked with guilt that I couldn't protect him from this. He was a safe driver, had never even had a ticket. Was a wonderful kid, was loved by everything. Our community has been great, nearly half of the people in are small community showed up for his visitation and funeral. We have been overwhelmed with the calls, emails, visits, food, flowers and even the neighbor that mowed and weed eated our lawn and then took down our sons bed as I couldn't bear to look at it. I don't know what else to say, I just feel totally lost without him. I struggle with feelings that I just want to go and join him, so my mom took away part of the box of the sleeping pills she had laid out for me. I don't think I would do that but I go up and down, some minutes are better than others. I am staying with my mom who lives next door as I cannot even bear to be in our house. Every thing there reminds me of him, nights are worse as I miss his sounds, up making pizza rolls in the microwave, his silly laugh, the sound of his footsteps.