I know how to grieve, having lost both my parents, my husband of 33 years, my beloved sister three years ago and my best friend (since we were preschoolers) two years ago. More painful than any of those deaths has been the loss of my darling daughter who cut me (and everyone else in our family) off six years ago with no explanation whatsoever. She stopped returning my calls, changed her email address and, finally, passed along a message that she wanted no contact. We were extremely close and I helped her through all sorts of emotional and financial difficulties over the years. We had a lot in common - quirky sense of humor, love of books, same political viewpoint. We had great fun, too, and I miss her terribly. To add to my grief, she married and had twins five years ago. I learned this through a third party, who learned it accidentally. I met her husband-to-be several times and we got along just fine, so I don't think he's the problem. She never wanted children and I had reconciled to the fact I would, sadly, never be a grandparent. Now I am a grandmother, but I will never know these children, and they will never know me. This breaks my heart, to say the least. I send them books "from Santa" at Christmas, but can't even acknowledge their birthday, as I don't know when it is. I avoid the children's department in stores, knowing that I would be flooding them with cute outfits at every opportunity. I wish I could read them stories like I did their mother, and share ice cream cones, make sandcastles at the beach, and decorate Christmas cookies. What hurts most, I think, is not knowing what caused this rift. I had no opportunity to 'make it right', whatever 'it' was that broke us. I don't know if I can ever get past the anger I feel at how much she has hurt and cheated me (and continues to), but maybe now I am getting closer to that acceptance stage of grief. At this point, I'm surprised when a few days go by without tears.