months ago i started reading her book: "we are their heaven" but was reading a few other books at the time and never got back to finish it. i did read "don't kiss them goodbye"--from what i remember i liked it. seems i like most of these types of books that i've been reading lately on spiritualism & spirit contact.
i am currently reading "our children forever--george anderson's messages from children on the other side" by joel martin. i think it's out of print but you can probably order it from the library system or get a used copy on amazon. i've only just started it--and i began with the chapter on murdered children as a friend of mine was murdered (this was years ago) just a couple weeks before her 18th birthday. (and they still--over 30 years later--have never found the guy who killed her.) i just remember what absolute hell her family went through and even me--who hadn't seen her for a year, but had been best friends with her a few years before.
the first "spirit" book i read after my mom died (which was the first book i read after she died because it took several months for me to be able to sit down and concentrate on reading) was "We Don't Die" by joel martin--about the medium george anderson.
i remember sitting on the couch reading it and the light flashed seven times and there was a knocking sound on the other side of the wall the couch is against. a knock with each flash. seven times. in a rhythm. at first i thought a fuse was blowing or trying to blow or short out or something and i got up to check the fuse box. i thought the sound was coming from the laundry room.
the rhythm of the flash & knock was the "shave and a haircut--two bits" only backwards: "two bits--shave and a haircut." when i realized the fuse was fine it dawned on me that the light was right by my mom's bedroom doorway (a pole/floor light) and she used to complain if i had it turned up on high late at night because it kept her awake. well, it was about 1 or 2 in the morning, i had her bedroom door wide open so the light was pouring in her room. and the seven beats/knocks was the "signal" we would give each other when we knocked on the bedroom doors to open them and say something, or when i'd come home and knock at the front door.
my daughter pointed out to me that if i heard the knock on the other side of the wall by the couch where i was sitting that it wasn't coming from the laundry room as i first thought. it was coming from my mom's room--her bedroom is on the other side of the wall by the couch.
i thought how appropriate considering i was reading "we don't die."
other books i thought were good are: "we are not forgotten: george anderson's messages of love," "george anderson's lessons from the light: extraordinary messages of comfort and hope from the other side," and "walking in the garden of souls")
i too am convinced the spirit/the essence of the person we knew, the person we love still, continues--goes on--and is present with us in our life as we go on. but my personal experience--from when i was around five years old--proved that to me when i saw my great-aunt sitting, talking to me in our basement about a year after she had died. she scared the crap out of me and i ran upstairs, hysterical (as if i had seen a ghost), crying to my mom and nana, telling them who was down in the basement. then i proceeded to block it from my memory and didn't recall it until i was twelve years old.
so i saw that life goes on, firsthand. my nana's side of the family was heavily into spiritualism and psychic goings-on (such as seances, table rapping, table lifting, visions/predictions, and spirit visitations--stories i heard about as i was growing up.)
sorry for the long ramble. see if you can find "our children forever" at the library, or see if they can order a copy for you (if you haven't read it yet. if you have, how did you like it?)
take care.