I sat and cried when I heard the verdict in the Casey Anthony trial. I don't care how people think that the system "worked" and the prosecution didn't prove it's point beyond a reasonable doubt, yada, yada. Our justice system sucks!!! It is all a big game to attorneys, who wins and who loses. It has nothing to do with justice, it is all about making the case, if you build a better case to convince a jury that you were right and the other guy is wrong, well, then you have WON. Hurrah! It doesn't matter than you have just shattered a life or let someone evil go free, you have won the game!
I spent four months after my so was killed in the accident, curled up in a little ball on my bed, not eating, not going out, basically not functioning. All I wanted to do with join him and still do have thoughts of that from time to time. I can't imagine any mother going out partying after losing her child, like she did. The claim of Caylee drowning in a swimming pool were so ridiculous. I had a brief journey through the "justice" system once when we had a foster child living with us that was pissed off because we had grounded her. So she told someone that my husband molested her. We went from being wonderful foster parents to these horrible monsters all because the justice system went into game play mode. I saw police hide evidence that we had presented to them thinking they were out to seek the truth. Eventually the case was thrown out but not before it ruined our lives emotionally, financially and so forth. I would never trust this system again. Our attorney told us that a defense attorney will never put anyone on the stand that he thinks is guilty. Notice how Casey didn't take the stand? Her attorney knew her lies would spin her right to the death penalty. All I can say is, I hope Mr. Baez has many sleepless night when he realizes the monster he has put back on the street. I doubt if Casey will lose any sleep over this. She is probably planning her next big party right now. If I were George and Cindy, I would kick her but out on the street as fast as I could and tell her to never darken their door. Who knows, they may be next if they piss her off! For little Caylee who will never know the first day of school, her first dance, her first kiss, or getting to have her own children, I send love and kisses. I will ask My Kevie to give her a big hug and tell you that many people love you and that she isn't to give another thought to the person that brought her into this world.