...those here first before officially proposing it to the general DU community.
Lately NPR and quite a few other News organizations have been reporting and doing " Remembrances Stories" about the U.S. Soldiers who have recently died in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Sometimes they get a lot of replies, sometimes they go by largely un-noticed, this group would mainly be for those who get little notice from the general population.
This group, which I'm tentatively calling the "Fallen U.S. Soldiers/Remembrance Group." It would create a central location for any and all news articles and stories, NPR Audio, and any other type of remembrance story that has been in the Newspaper, Radio or Television or a RESPECTABLE website.
This would be for current, future and past Iraq War and Afghanistan War KIA's and related deaths (Including PTSD related deaths).
What do ya think?
Does anyone think this is so controversial an idea that I should ask the Admins first before proposing it?