I tried reading the other longer threads, but it's just overwhelming. I'm dead tired from working in the sun all day. I just wanted to come home and relax, read a little DU.
Jeff was such a prize here. His toons were a highlight for me every week. I think i've saved just about every toon he posted on my harddrive, i remember i suggested long ago he should publish them ALL on the web sometime, sort of a tribute to the madness we've all been put through in these trying years. Those toons tell the REAL story, the one the intelligent world sees, and not the pap we are subjected to on the MSM-CON. Knowing that political artists were trying their hardest to pull the veil off of the world's eyes and show us that the emporer truly had no clothes gave me a semblance of hope. Jeff's contributions of those collections kept me from going stark mad and screaming and crying many times...as long as i knew there were those toons out there, and that they kept on coming, there was hope. I'll know they'll still be there, it will just up to me to keep looking for them now. Knowing that Nostamj would have wanted us all to keep looking and finding that truth. A picture, they say is worth the thousands of words.
RIP Nostamj. You're in good company with Kephra ... Peace to you both.
i think i'll go sit in the shower and cry now. Some things i just can't laugh, or scream or go mad about afterall.
peace all. dp