There are just finishing up a new trail in Johnstown. This trail will connect Johnstown to the Stable Bend Tunnel. Once Connected you will be able to bike from Johnstown to Altoona on relatively flat roads (We are talking about going over Allegheny mountain, no where as tall as the Rockies, but still a barrier to someone biking).
The Trail starts in Downtown Johnstown and heads East along Clinton Street and Route PA 271 till you get to the town of Franklin. The trail then follows the road in Franklin to the Franklin Baseball Field.
Picture of the Road to the Field end of September:
The Trail today: October 17, 2007:
I like the "Pavement ends" sign, look at the road, it is still rough gravel but when "pavement" ends it becomes smooth Gravel. I Suspect the part up to the sign will be paved for people drive up to the ball field which is to the left of this picture, but from this point forward it will be smooth gravel.
This is how this looked last month when construction started:
Last year before construction even started:
The flowing picture is from last month, but it shows the fencing to prevent people falling down the hillside. The road bed is a lot better then in this picture since this was taken BEFORE the smooth gravel was put down on the trial within the last two weeks:
This is how this part of the trial looked like last year, before Construction:
Halfway to the Stable Bend Tunnel the trail deteriorates. IT is a lot better then it was last month, but what had been done to the rest of the trail needs to be done, i.e. smooth out trail, install drainage for water around the trail and install gravel:
I could only go halfway to the Stable Bend Tunnel, but more work needs to be done. These pictures are from last winter over the area to be made into this trail:
Stable bend tunnel: The first Railroad tunnel in the US: This picture was taken last winter, it was close do to fear of ice:
This is the Bridge the trail in headed for, it is at the foot of the incline to the Stable Bend Tunnel.. Notice the large block of Concrete at its end, telling people this is where the trial end at present and has since at least 2000.
The above work I do to the funding brought to Johnstown by John Murtha. He is # 1 in earmarks in the House, and it is for things like this he makes earmarks for.