Carpel Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) can be treated by operation (But only if your Doctor recommends it, he knows more about treatment then I do and I must defer to his expertise in this matter).
CTS, from what I have read, is from repetitive motion of one's hands, fingers and Wrists. That should be reduced if possible (i.e. reduce the use of a keyboard and any other repetitive use of your wrists, hands and fingers).
Now your hands are NOT in repetitive motion when you are on a bike. You are shifting, and holding onto the handlebars, but you are NOT repeating using your hands in some sort of constant motion. Look at how people used they hands BEFORE we industrialized. In hunting societies, you carried a spear, but only used it in practice or hunting, it was NOT used all day long. In farming societies you dug with tools but the tools were held hard in the hand, you did NOT constantly change your grip on the tool, you held it like one holds a handlebar, constantly and fixed not in motion.
While it is possible CTS is affected by biking, I just do NOT see Biking as part of the HOW your CTS developed (Through check with your Doctor to see if he has any information on this to be on the Safe side). My opinion is HOW the hand is used when riding, i.e. Constant holding the handlebar by the hands, like holding a spear or a spade, not the constant movement of the fingers one needs when using a keyboard.
As to the handlebars, look into something that feels good with your hands, which may be anything, curved, drop, straight etc. The type is dependent on how your CTS is in your hand. The best bet is to constantly change till you run across one that does not make the CTS act up. CTS varies enough from case to case that what may be good for one person may be bad for you. Try various types (i.e. rent bikes to see what works for you and then switch to that style).
Last comment, you may want to try a Recumbent, you are more in a sitting position and less weight on the handlebars. That means less weight on the bike through the handlebars, that may be the best solution to your problem.