As my husband was considering his purchase of a bike, I brought mine in to discuss getting the new wheels clad with slick tires. Turns out, my bike is too small for me. To get the right height on the seat, my seat was much higher than the handlebars. No wonder my ride was so uncomfortable. So we both ended up with new Trek bikes, both hybrids.
Here's a photo of the bike my husband got, a Navigator 200: ........And here's mine, a 7200 Multitrek
Mine has 700 mm wheels (27.56 inches) with road tires while his has 26-inch wheels with more of a hybrid tire, wider and smooth in the middle with tread on the sides for better traction in gravel, etc. Of course, his has a taller frame since he's four inches taller than me.
Anyway, we went out for a ride but just went 6.2 miles since he hasn't ridden that long in years and didn't want to overdo. We're riding again in the morning. Everything about my new bike is smoother, especially shifting. Instead of depressing a lever, all I have to do is turn the handle! And I have numbers! :D The seat is even spring-loaded. And it has a bell! :D
Armadillo Hill Country Classic, here I come!