I had a sustained quit for nine days, third attempt this year, when it happened. I was using the nicoderm patch, had it on my right shoulder, towards the front. That night, my heart was skipping around like crazy, and I felt soo sick. I was out of my head, scared, and kept thinking I was about to pass out.
My H drove me to the ER at my insistence. I was SCARED. I had taken the patch off about half an hour after the symptoms first started, but no cessation of heart fluttering.
We got to the ER, and as I was puking, waiting, worrying, I could hear someone out in the hall ask, " where's the lady with the 155 bpm? I swear, I looked at my H and said, oh GOD poor woman!
Yeah, it was me. I had atrial fibrillation caused by too much nicotine, according to the doc.
Anyways, after much ribbing and jokes that quitting smoking nearly killed me, I picked the habit back up. I KNEW it was stupid. I did it anyway.
So, this weekend I catch a cold. Only, anyone who has smoked knows, that a cold can get pretty nasty when smoking. Mine sure did. I woke up coughing hard. So hard that I see stars. I get queasy. I hate this. So, yesterday, I decided to make my last 3 smokes last, and quit today.
It sux, because the patches were soo good for the craving! I have a few left over lozenges, but they dont help too much. My cough is of course still around, but at least it is productive. Before it was dry and painful. Now I can't wait to get the gook out.
THE number one reason for me at this point and time is the horrible health I'm experiencing. The lack of breath, the tiredness. I can't STAND feeling that way!
I'm crossing my fingers hard this time. It's weird, I am not writing down a date or anything on my calendar this time, I just want to be DONE with them. I can't flippin breathe!