I am now going through my 22nd quit in two years. This is the longest I've gone. My bday(45th) is Wednesday, and I swore it would be a smoke-free bday, followed by a smoke free life... so I got me a nice head start.
Weird weird things I am doing to help me through this time. Low patch. The stronger patch put me in the hospital with an atrial fib. That sucked. I take them off at night now, and go low-nic. Helps like you wouldn't believe
I am more determined than ever this time. I coughed nonstop all day and all night. I hated that.My bladder aint what it used to be, and coughing equals headaches too. Coughing is minimal now. Just a quick hacking of the yuckies, and Im done for the morning. Hopefully that'll be all gone SOON.
Another weird thing I do is sucking on cinnamon sticks with incense sticks lit on the ends of those. weird. it WORKS, though. I 'smoke' through the cinnamon stick. and smell the wonderful incense. I just poke those suckers right into the sticks and WALA!, a nice smelling nice tasting 'thing' that I invented to keep me from actually smoking the cancer sticks. I breathe in the clean air through the sticks, and see the smoke at the end of the incense. I vote this as insanity, but I am still smoke free dammit, and I am scared to ever ever smoke a cig again.
My kids went through their grandfather dying of cancer a few years ago, and now they are going through their grandmother dying of it (she still smokes em, figures what the hell) and they give her two months.All her kids still smoke. I am grateful I developed a cough. Coughing hurts and is embarrassing. Coughing is the number one reason for me to quit.
I started walking 3 miles as well each day. Next week I am increasing to 5 miles. I can't even explain the difference between walking while smoking and walking smoke-free. I added YEARS in how I feel, regarding exercise. ALREADY! :D
Damn, I kinda hijacked your thread. I apologize. I can hardly wait to say to myself that I am off the crutches of the patches and the cinnamon sticks as well.
I do hope you continue. Lung cancer has devestated my kids, I just can't be a part of that. Just can't.
Yay us!!!!