Edited on Mon Aug-08-05 09:13 PM by Trajan
John Bradshaw used a phrase 'The Terrible Dailiness of Life' ... to help explain why people resort to drinking and drugging .... We have to find a POSITIVE way to fill the idle time, or we will surely kill ourselves, or others ... I think retreating to a quiet place, perhaps with a book, perhaps to nap, or perhaps to do some meangingful work: around the house, art, exercise etc., would help in this critical time ....
I am also battling nicotine addiction, and STRESS is my biggest trigger .... (um, other than liking being 'high' on cigarettes ...) ...
I find that exercise is EXACTLY what counters the negative effects of smoking AND the negative effects of quitting ....
1) After years of smoking, my lung capacity was zilch: it is now increasing wonderfully thanks to NOT pumping tons of smoke into my breathing apparatus anymore .... I can BREATHE again .... REAL oxygen ! .... It didnt take but a few days for the ton of bricks to lift from my chest .... Now I breathe easy ...
2) Since I didnt exercise when I smoked ( I really couldnt anymore ), I gained way too much weight ... I am now exercising and losing weight, and feeling more POSITIVE about my current and future self image ... It REALLY works ...
3) Exercise relieves STRESS, and helps you cope with life's pitfalls and downturns .... It burns up that extra energy you now have from NOT drugging your system with nicotine ....
Dont be FOOLED by nicotine: You get EXTREMELY 'high' from hitting a cigarette ... It is much like a CRACK PIPE: the smoke enters your system rapidly and delivers MUCHO drugs to your system in seconds ....
Cigarettes = legal crack .....
Remember when you first started to smoke ? .. Your first inhalation ? ... Remember how your face went flush ? ... your pulse raced ? ... perhaps sweating ? .. palpitations ? ... nausea ? ...
THAT is what nicotine does: time masks those effects, but THAT effect is what you have been trying to achieve ever since ....
I smoked this weekend, and felt horrible about it, and stopped again the next day .... that is how it is for me .... I still want that drug .....
I WILL beat this habit ... but know that we battle an awful foe: chemical addiction ...
Cigarettes ARE a drug: so steel yourself for that battle ...
THAT is what it will take ....
Good luck ...