I basically quit as of my post on May 16th. Things are going well, my wife quit with me, I have snuck a few in here and there, but have avoided any real relapse. I was smoking over a pack a day. Now one every 2-3 weeks. Every time I sneak one in, it's a horrible risk, but so far so good. I can now run 2 miles on the treadmill, my lungs feel totally comfortable, and I never need to huff and puff doing anything. That's great.
BUT -- I frequently feel intense anxiety that cigarettes would remedy, if only for a few minutes. I do not understand this anxiety, where it comes from, whether it is a chemical imbalance particular to me, a dietary issue, or what. I'm at work so I can't go hiking, I'd love to do that, but not an option. What could I do (other than cigarettes) to quell this mystery anxiety?