found this site...
"...There are usually four major modules of the stock market sequences to understand:
Accumulation stage: This phase takes place, once the market has faced failure. The early adopters and innovators start purchasing, thinking that, the most awful condition is over. At this stage, the valuations of stocks seem to be very attractive. Hence, the overall market condition begins to change from pessimistic to optimistic.
Mark-up Stage: At this stage, the market slowly starts rising and picks up momentum. The investors feel free and start trading, as the market supersedes its failure. Valuations of the stocks mount well beyond their historic norms. Thus, it is the perfect time to buy and sell shares.
Booming stage: This is a stage, where the stock market attains its full prosperity. There is a lot of happiness. Profit and good valuation exist in the stock market business. Investors deal largely during this period. This is a perfect time to sell shares, since you can expect high profit in this phase.
Mark-Down Phase: This is the final stage of the stock market, where everything seems to be slip-up and failure. Prices of stock market come down and investors suffer loss..."