This may be old hat to some of you, but I have just discovered that you can look at townships & ranges on Google Earth! Yippee!!
First off, if you haven't downloaded Google Earth, it's free here: Then, once you've installed it, go here and click on View on Google Earth. You should be prompted to save a .kml file. Put it on your desktop or someplace you can remember it.
Then go into Google Earth, select File / Open, and choose the .kml file you just downloaded. Zoom in fairly closely; close enough that you can make out lakes, towns, & rivers.
Then, go back to and click the same View on Google Earth button again. If you're zoomed in closely enough on an area that is part of the PLSS system, you should see nifty little purple & orange boxes overlaid on the map. Give it a little time, and you'll get a folder called "Townships" inside your Temporary Places folder. From there, you can click on the township you're interested in, and GE will zoom right to it.
I imagine you can probably get overlay files for places like Texas that are on the metes & bounds systems, but I don't know enough about Google Earth and all this mapping stuff to be able to do that yet. If anyone knows how, please could you post it here for us?