I have had countless success using these two forums, and I've met literally hundreds of distant cousins using them. I even attended a "family reunion" with about 100 attendees, almost all of us having met on the internet!
The family members I have met have sent me countless documents, photos, stories etc. My favorite part of genealogy is finding old photographs. I've been sent photos of gr gr grandparents, and even a few gr gr gr grandparents dating back to the Civil War era. All because of the power of the internet!
When you go to one of the websites, you can post queries in national forums, state or provincial forums, county forums, there are even surname forums. Look for that obscure family name in the surname forums, and don't be surprised if it's there! Be sure to post your queries in the surname forum and the county forum. If you don't know the county, then post in the state forum. When your research takes you overseas, post in the Irish forum, or the German forum. Then go to the County Cork forum, or the Mecklenberg forum. They're all there.
I have had the most success posting in the U.S.A. county forums. You can get to them by going to the state forums, and looking for a link to counties. If you're looking for somebody in Green Bay, WI, for instance, then you go to the Brown County, Wisconsin forum, and post your query.
HINT: Put as much valuable information in the heading of your post. Then add as much information as you can in the main body of the post. For example: In the heading, you should post something VERY DESCRIPTIVE like, "John and Annette Wilson family, DePere, WI 1860-1890". Then in the body, you write something like, "John and Annette were married in DePere in 1862. Their children were ____ ___ ___, born in 1863, ___ ___. Daughter Susie married Frank Jenkins, and they raised their family in Green Bay. Son John Wilson Jr. married Bridget, and raised their family in Allouez, WI" etc. etc.
You'd be amazed how many people post things with titles like, "Need help with my family research". Those posts are a lot less likely to get read by a distant cousin, than the one with the very descriptive title!
I just cannot overstate how helpful these websites have been to me in my research. It's beginning to look like there isn't one single branch of my family that I can't connect with, and that's NO exaggeration!
Here's the forum at genealogy.com:
http://genforum.genealogy.com/Here's the forum at ancestry.com/rootsweb.com
http://boards.ancestry.com/mbexec/script/main/rwBest of all, both forums are 100% FREE!
Anybody else had any success stories with these forums? I've used others, but these two are the biggies. Have you had any success with the other forums?