- this a small thread as well, F-S Cookay, though probably a good deal bigger than the health one anyway.
But by a strange coincidence, I've just read the non horse-racing part of one of our dailies, the Daily Mail, and this appeared in it.
Well, I'd better just give a few paragraphs. Though I'll look on their website, too, tosee if the whole article appears there:
"Cell transplants for Alzheimer's 'within a decade' by Robin Yapp
Scottish scientists have grown nerve stem cells that could lead to new treatments for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. (snip)
Experts believe that the development might help scientists to grow replacment brain tissue, within a decade forsuffereres of such a neurological disorders. (snip)
But experts in Edinburgh have become the first to create a 'pure' batch of nerve stem cells.
Alzheimer's and Parkinson's occur when brain cells begin to degenerate, but this breakthrough holds out the possibility of transplanting replacement brain tissue grown in the lab. (snip)
..Dr Tim Allsopp added, "The remarkable stability and purity of the cells is something unique in the field of tissue stem cells and a great step forward".
In terms of the possibility of using the cells n tansplantation, the other professor mentioned, said they were talking of a five to ten year range.
Some weeks ago, i.e before his breakthrough, I read a similar prediction concerning replacement of the brain tissue of stroke victims from the person's own stem cells, so things are looking up.
I mean there would see to be a connection with MS, in terms of Parkinsons - which was referred to in a lot of URLs about the decompression chamber.
PS: Here's a whole swag of articles on the subject on today's Daily Mail website:
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/health/healthmain.html?in_page_id=1774Then, in their own search engine, write: Stem cells brain tissue