One of the newer cousins I recently found lives outside Tulsa, and was tickled to hear from me, since her son had recently gotten into genealogy. He'd been in touch with some cousins in Vancouver whom I'd mailed with some stuff, and had heard my name and was trying to figure out how to get in touch with me. So I found them first. Cool, huh?
So I was on the phone with the cousin for two hours the other day. And then last night the son called me and we kept chatting. They are all so excited about the Smith project, and he actually said "What can I do to help you?" Music to my ears. We discussed getting the immediate family data to me, and then he said, "Well I signed up for this ancestry .com thing awhile back, and I've got a year's membership. Let me give you my access information, and you can look some stuff up on there."
Now, I've done the free 2 week membership thing before, but just cannot afford it right now with all our home renovations and such. This was like someone handing me a million dollars. I had just found a new stash of family up in New York, and hadn't been able to research them as thoroughly as I wanted.
In the hour that I had access last night, I already brought one of the lines forward to the present day, and have two more obituaries on order from RAOGK. I am on Cloud 9.
I have already had to retitle my book from a Wisconsin-based Smiths overview to all the descendants from the New York bunch forward, since I've found so many more ancestors back there. It might take me a few more years, but this sucker is getting HUGE.
Woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :woohoo: