Hello Everyone. Though I need no introduction, I am ClericJohnPreston, Edwards supporter to the end. Still, if Edwards cannot be a part of the race, then I am perfectly content to root for Hillary, the THINKING PERSON'S choice.
From the outset, I have always been Anti-Obama, ALWAYS. The reasons for this are myriad. These include the following:
1. Obama's "bi-partisanship": His politically correct phrasing for the more appropriately named "REPUBLICAN-FRIENDLY" belief system. In an era where this Democracy has been savaged by the scourge of CONSERVOSCUM, the last thing in the world we need is a red carpet entry into a Democratic Cabinet by Repub scum. Whatever happened to the minds of people who detest Republicans, once they embrace Obama. Suddenly, fellow Democrats are your enemy, but, Republicans are your friend.
2. Obama's continued "errors of Judgment": This is a fetid field of detonated mines and mines not yet discovered. From the known of Donnie McClurkin, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Tony Rezko, and many more lesser associations, Obama has always done what is politically expedient, following the Republican way, act badly, apologize after the fact.
3. Obama's CORPORATISM: Well established links and ties to the Health industry and insurance carriers. Willing to write off the rights of ordinary citizens to Class Actions, as Republican as you can get.
Now, we get to the kicker:
4.Oama's effect on his kool-aid drinking crowd: This is where the rubber meets the road for me. I have always prided myself on my critical-thinking skills. I try to be a futurist, see beyond what is in place now, to see where we are headed.
From the beginning, I noted the absurdly high neophyte level of Obama's followers. Simply, Kids and the adults who were the depressives in the crowd. What these two have in common is their uncommonly high level of MALLEABILITY. These easily molded minds, one out of lack of experience, the other looking for anything to relieve their depression, have been the target voters of the Obama campaign.
Obama has run as dirty a campaign as can be had, all the while sitting above the fray. This "innocence" is easily seen for the illusion it is, EXCEPT by his rabid supporters.
How toxic and potent is the swill from the Obama fountain? Strong enough that the minds which embrace it become a part of a "movement" which is all about indoctrination, conformity of speech and message, threats to reinforce the ideology, adoration, not respect, for the master, and willing to bring down their own house if they can't get what they want.
Thus, you have the paradox of Obamites asking for Hillary to quit, ignoring Obama's "Republicanism", and willing to do anything to quiet the voices in their head or on this board who don't tow the Obama line.
This is a phenomena worth investigating, the absolute FRENZY and FURY which Obama seems to create within his fervant sheeple, while all the while being the "Peace Candidate". How can this be, this paradox between traits and behaviors and the message? Ahhh, here is my take.
Obama has a message, that isn't really a mesage, unless you are a sucker for Hallmark Postcards. Empty, lightweight rhetoric, delivered with stentorian earnestness, combines to make easy zealots of the weak. Unfortunately, it is unsustainable, as it is all sacchirin sweetness, all form, but no substance. The "gap" or emptiness of this speech to real policy, is where our rational minds are incredulous at the shallow credibility, while we watch others flock to the madness. The zealotry of the supporter is in a direct line to their own emptiness. The Obamites merely project their dreams on the purposely blank screen crafted by Obama. In the end, the only losers are the Party itself, self-destructing on a certainty of unelectability.
Now, apply the phenomena of Obama's divisiveness to our culture and you will see my final outcome. If I am right, and I hope to God I'm not, the class wars which have been brewing under the surface for the last 8 years under the Corporatist Bushco regime, will need only a spark to ignite. If Obama were to lose the GE, which I find probable, then his supporters, never too keen on logic to begin with, will have their sudden deflation and cognitive dissonance hit them like a brick wall. Rather than deal with the Truth, it will be simpler to believe the Election was stolen. When that happens, with this crowd, all heck breaks loose. Let the class wars begin.
Can it happen? Judging by this site, absolutely. Who would have forecast the very UNDEMOCRATIC hold one group can exercise at a site called DEMOCRATIC UNDERGROUND. Actually, I did, in my first week here. Now it is a reality. I only hope HRC can win this thing, for the alternative, no matter how you slice it, turns out badly.