The Camelot years of JFK and dreams are over. We can't go back to anything we have ever known that was like the JFK years, the world has changed so much and America has certainly changed since those 'quaint, old Cold War days' of space 'dreams'. Although Obama has a great smile, he enjoys an audience and certainly can deliver a message to the crowd, his JFK dreamlike vision, to me, is an 'old message' of going back to the 'good old days'. America has changed so radically since the 1960's on every level-there is NO GOING BACK TO THOSE DAYS no matter how great they look today or how much our hearts long for the past. WISHING IS NOT DOING and, one major factor,the world has changed as well. America is not the only game in town anymore, we will be faced with a incredible, massive mess in D.C. (along with a recession) when bush & cheney slither out of the WH. I want a person in the prez job that deals with WHAT IS (as they will inherit a mountain of problems left at the doorstep by the current train wreck in the WH)not someone who has 'great pie in the sky dreams' about an America that may seek to replicate what WAS...that America is gone, forever. Yes, we certainly can be alot better, but it will take massive heavy lifting and real work (domestic and international) to pull ourselves up and out to a 'new day'- and it won't happen overnight. the U.S. is, like it or not, on the fast track to globalization (in fact, we are already there). The only thing that separates the U.S. from the morass of global, financial incest on a 24/7 biz cycle is a couple of oceans surrounding us-and only geographically.
-I want a workhorse in the WH - Hillary is a workhorse. -I want someone who is at least willing to explain WHY they made a decision and even though it may be a lame excuse, they TRY to explain WHY they did what they did - so far Hillary keeps doing that (I may not like the answer, but I do want to hear an explanation-NOW-I don't want philosophizing) -I want someone who really can work both sides of the aisle-she has a track record in this area and we desperately need that. I, as many, have had enough of GOP hissy fits, bait and switch games among many other types of disgusting, unprofessional behavior. Yes, the Dems have had their share of stupid, cowardly, blundering moments, but generally the GOP gets the prize as the consistent abuser of our Constitution and the American citizenry. -I want a candidate who has been vilified and abused and has 'lived to fight another day'-that certainly is Hillary, not Obama. (As for being universally hated, bush is a buffoon, a dangerous one at that - but Cheney, etal has been pulling that puppets strings since day one.)
In short, I want an executive who will and know they must hold themselves accountable to The People - with a full and realistic assessment of where America is TODAY (domestic AND international), and a real blueprint, PLAN on how to tackle the biggest issues, Iraq, health care, foreign policy, etal the minute they are sworn in. We have alot of repair work to do, I don't want flowery, inspirational, philosophical speeches anymore that take us BACK to an America that no longer exists. I want a candidate that will step into action for the (damaged) America of TODAY and begin the real work of reconstruction.
I like Barack Obama and clearly he is going places, so this is not a slight on his talent and caring for the direction of America. There is no need to post 'hateful comments' with respect to my comment here and I wish Obama well on his noble and worthy quest to become president. If he becomes the Democratic candidate, I will vote for him.