WSJ: Clinton Taps Unexpected Weapon: Chelsea
February 6, 2008; Page A6
Chelsea Clinton speaks at a young-voter rally at California State University, Dominguez Hills, last week. (AP)
ST. LOUIS -- In the fight for the Democratic presidential nomination, young voters have rallied behind Barack Obama. Now, as he also makes incursions into Hillary Clinton's core constituency -- women -- with support from Oprah Winfrey, Caroline Kennedy and others, Mrs. Clinton has pulled a seldom-used weapon.
Less than a year ago, campaign officials said that if there was one certainty in this race it was that Chelsea Clinton wouldn't be coming to the microphone. But the campaign has seen Mrs. Clinton's lead in national polls erode and Mr. Obama score decisive victories in Iowa and South Carolina. Campaign manager Patti Solis Doyle and other top campaign officials have called on Ms. Clinton, 27 years old, to relinquish some of her privacy to help her mother soften her image and reach out to younger voters, who favor Mr. Obama by as much as three to one, according to exit polls....
Over the past few weeks, the once and possibly future first daughter has gone from a silent presence waving and grinning behind her mother to an active campaigner. She delivers speeches, holds lengthy question-and-answer sessions and hosts her own events on college campuses throughout the country.
She speaks knowledgeably about her mother's policies, particularly those relating to younger voters such as financial assistance for college and doing away with predatory credit-card practices. Like her senator mother, Ms. Clinton leans heavily on statistics, reciting the number of uninsured Americans and the rising unemployment rate to make her points....
Despite her more-public face, Ms. Clinton is still deeply wary of the media. She is noticeably uncomfortable in crowds in which reporters may overhear her and shuns most questions. She declined several requests for an interview for this article....