All on pollster.com... SHE'S RISING ALMOST EVERYWHERE! WHOO HOO!! Don't listen to the pundits. Send out those emails to media outlets. Combat the disinformation campaign! :)
PA: SHE'S UP 20 POINTS!! Pollster Dates N/Pop Clinton Obama Undecided ARG 4/11-13/08 600 LV 57 37 4 Zogby/Newsmax 4/9-10/08 1002 LV 47 43 10 Susquehanna 4/6-10/08 500 RV 40 37 18 Temple 3/27-4/9/08 583 LV 47 47 9
INDIANA: SHE'S UP 16 POINTS!! Pollster Dates N/Pop Clinton Obama Undecided SurveyUSA 4/11-13/08 571 LV 55 39 3 ARG 4/2-3/08 600 LV 53 44 2
KENTUCKY: SHE'S UP 29 POINTS!! (THIS IS A LITTLE OLD, BUT STILL) Pollster Dates N/Pop Clinton Obama Undecided SurveyUSA 3/28-30/08 572 LV 58 29 4
OREGON: As of 4/4-4/6, she's down 10 points, but that's not as bad as it usually is when Obama sweeps into town! NORTH CAROLINA: He's up 20 points, but we expected that...moving on...
PUERTO RICO: SHE'S UP 13 POINTS!! Pollster Dates N/Pop Clinton Obama Undecided Research & Research 3/31-4/5/08 800 RV 50 37 13
WEST VIRGINIA: SHE'S UP 18 POINTS!! Pollster Dates N/Pop Clinton Obama Undecided Rasmussen 3/13/08 702 LV 55 27 18 ARG 3/29-4/2/07 600 LV 37 22 13
MCCAIN-OBAMA: Pollster Dates N/Pop McCain Obama Other Undecided Not Voting Rasmussen 4/7-10/08 1600 LV 47 44 - - - AP-Ipsos 4/7-9/08 1005 A 45 45 7 3 - Economist/YouGov 4/7-8/08 1000 A 44 44 - 13 - Economist/YouGov 4/4-7/08 1000 A 44 43 - 13 -
MCCAIN-CLINTON: Pollster Dates N/Pop McCain Clinton Not Voting Undecided Other Rasmussen 4/7-10/08 1600 LV 48 42 - - - AP-Ipsos 4/7-9/08 1005 A 45 48 - 2 5 Economist/YouGov 4/7-8/08 1000 A 44 43 - 13 - Economist/YouGov 4/4-7/08 1000 A 44 43 - 13 - Rasmussen 4/3-6/08 1600 LV 47 44 - - -