increase in "racist" threads lately? They are just EVERYWHERE! (I'm one o' them bitter, old, typical white women, so I don't know if I did that right)
In part, this reads:
Hillary has the racists. It’s really not her fault that she has the racists – she simply has them because she is white. The racists will not vote for Obama, and may even cross over to McCain. For many of these people bigotry trumps the issues. They may well leave the party if Obama is nominated much like the Dixiecrats already did.Now, if we were to replace the word "racist" with "sexist, and reverse the names Hillary and Obama, it would read:
Obama has the sexists. It’s really not his fault that he has the sexists – he simply has them because he is male. The sexists will not vote for Hillary, and may even cross over to McCain. For many of these people bigotry trumps the issues. They may well leave the party if Hillary is nominated much like the Dixiecrats already did.Can you just imagine the amount of howling that would be going on with that kind of post?
I do give the mods credit that this thread was locked pretty quickly, but I will say again...Threads calling anyone who is not supporting Senator Obama is now being called racist every few minutes nowadays.