'WomenCount' says it's too soon to count Clinton out
Not_so_fast "Not so fast ..." the full-page ad in this morning's USA TODAY declares. "Hillary's voice is OUR voice, sand she's speaking for all of us."
"We want Hillary to stay in this race until every vote is cast, every vote is counted, and we know that our voices are heard," it concludes.
The ad was paid for by WomenCount PAC, which USA TODAY reporter Fredreka Schouten tells us is a newly formed political action committee that includes among its founders Susie Tompkins Buell, a major Democratic fundraiser and a supporter of Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Buell, Fredreka reports, is based in northern California and is a co-founder of the Esprit clothing line. She's a "Hillraiser:" Clinton's designation for fundraisers who have collected at least $100,000 for her presidential campaign.
WomenCount says it was created "to ensure that the 51% of American citizens who are women have their values and votes counted in the political process and supports candidates in support of progressive, political values.
Posted by Mark Memmott at 11:13 AM/ET,
May 16, 2008 in Ads, Democrats, Interest groups, Presidential race,
Better photo in the ad: