That behavior - the "winners" approach taken by "practical" and "realistic" people - is symptomatic of the entire Obama campaign. Staffers BRAGGED to me about how they cynically planned and orchestrated the Edwards endorsement, gamed the caucuses, successfully portrayed the race as a good versus evil all-or-nothing match up, tarred Clinton with "DLC" and "racist" and Iraq war associations, and dozens of other power play stunts. They brag about how they are getting big crowds out through successful marketing and the manipulation of people through a pyramid-type scheme of promoting the events, as though they were rock concerts or something. The cognitive dissonance is reaching a fever pitch, because they will violently argue against any criticism of these tactics - "that is not happening!" - and then turn around later and brag and gloat about "pulling it off" - about doing the same things they deny doing when anyone criticizes them.
There is a smug and cynical "winners" attitude there - a claim that this is the way the game is played, these are the teams and the issues, we are superior at playing the game, we know what is best for the people and they are all losers, we are the winners, we are the successful ones, the smart ones, the educated ones - and "you can't argue with success." Anyone objecting must be one of those stupid racist people from West Virginia.
This is the essence, a distillation, of the attitudes and tactics of modern liberalism, the arrogance and condescension and moral depravity that the public sees and resents from the Democratic party, and the main reason that people vote Republican.